Код: Выделить всё
// TA.Script.XSeries
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Drawing;
using AD.Common.DataStructures;
using TA.Script;
public class XSeries
public string Name;
public DrawAs Style;
public Color Color;
public LineStyles LineStyle;
public int LineWidth = 1;
public SortedList<long, double> Points;
public AxesKindList _PriceStudy;
private bool _NewArea = true;
private int _AxisSize = 100;
private ScriptedCode _Owner;
public double LastValue;
public const int DefaultAlpha = 50;
public const int DefaultAlphaFigure = 100;
public bool Visible { get; set; }
public bool PriceStudy => GetPriceStudy();
public bool ZeroBased { get; set; }
public bool NeedToCorrect { get; set; }
public bool NewArea
return _NewArea;
_NewArea = value;
public int AxisSize
return _AxisSize;
if (value >= 10 && value <= 100)
_AxisSize = value;
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("AxisSize", "Parameter should be in the range [10, 100]!");
public ScriptedCode Owner
return _Owner;
public double this[int index]
return GetValue(index);
SetValue(index, value);
public double this[AdsFuncParameter index]
return GetValue((int)(double)index);
SetValue((int)(double)index, value);
private bool GetPriceStudy()
if (Owner is ScriptedIndicator)
if (_PriceStudy != 0)
return _PriceStudy == AxesKindList.Parent;
return (Owner as ScriptedIndicator).PriceStudy;
return _PriceStudy == AxesKindList.Parent;
private void SetOwner(ScriptedCode value)
_Owner = value;
public XSeries()
public void Init()
Points = new SortedList<long, double>();
public static implicit operator double(XSeries value)
return value[0];
public static implicit operator XSeries(double value)
return new XSeries
LastValue = value
public static implicit operator XSeries(AdsInputStream value)
return new XSeries
LastValue = value[0]
public static implicit operator XSeries(AdsFuncParameter value)
return new XSeries
LastValue = value
private void SetValue(int index, double value)
if (Owner.TryGetTime(index, out var time))
long key = DataPoint.SecondsFromDateTime(time);
if (Points.ContainsKey(key))
Points[key] = value;
Points.Add(key, value);
private double GetValue(int index)
double value = double.NaN;
if (Owner.TryGetTime(index, out var time))
long key = DataPoint.SecondsFromDateTime(time);
Points.TryGetValue(key, out value);
return value;
private double GetValueByTime(long time)
return Points[time];
private void SetValueByTime(long time, double value)
if (Points.ContainsKey(time))
Points[time] = value;
Points.Add(time, value);
public void Clear()
if (Points != null)
public string Prepare4Compiler()
return "XSeries __" + Name + " = new XSeries() {" + $" Name = \"{Name}\", Style = DrawAs.{Style.ToString()}, Color = Color.{Color.ToKnownColor().ToString()}, Visible = {Visible.ToString().ToLower()} " + "};\npublic XSeries " + Name + "\n{ get { return __" + Name + "; } set { " + $"SetSeries(__{Name}, value);" + "}}";
public void Hide()
Owner.CustomDrawPoint(this, DrawPointAs.Hidden);
public void DrawLine(Color color, LineStyles style, int width)
Owner.CustomDrawPoint(this, DrawPointAs.Line, color, style, width, true);
public void DrawLine()
DrawLine(Color.Empty, LineStyle, LineWidth);
public void DrawDash(Color color, LineStyles style, int width, int delta = 0)
Owner.CustomDrawPoint(this, DrawPointAs.HorizontalLine, color, style, width, delta, true);
public void DrawDash(int delta = 0)
DrawDash(Color.Empty, LineStyle, LineWidth, delta);
public void DrawVertical(XSeries series)
Owner.CustomDrawPoint(this, DrawPointAs.VerticalLine, Color.Empty, LineStyle, LineWidth, (series != null) ? series.Name : string.Empty, true);
public void DrawVertical(XSeries series, Color color, LineStyles style = LineStyles.Solid, int width = 1)
Owner.CustomDrawPoint(this, DrawPointAs.VerticalLine, color, style, width, (series != null) ? series.Name : string.Empty, true);
public void DrawVertical(Color color, LineStyles style, int width)
DrawVertical(null, color, style, width);
public void DrawVertical()
DrawVertical(Color.Empty, LineStyle, LineWidth);
public void DrawFigure(PointFigure figure, Color color, LineStyles style, int width, Color fill, int alpha = 100)
Owner.CustomDrawPoint(this, DrawPointAs.Point, figure, true, color, style, width, fill, alpha);
public void DrawCircle(Color color, LineStyles style, int width, Color fill, int alpha = 100)
DrawFigure(PointFigure.Circle, color, style, width, fill, alpha);
public void DrawCircle()
DrawCircle(Color.Empty, LineStyles.Solid, 1, Color.Empty);
public void DrawSquare(Color color, LineStyles style, int width, Color fill, int alpha = 100)
DrawFigure(PointFigure.Square, color, style, width, fill, alpha);
public void DrawSquare()
DrawSquare(Color.Empty, LineStyles.Solid, 1, Color.Empty);
public void DrawArrowUp(Color color, LineStyles style, int width, Color fill, int alpha = 100)
DrawFigure(PointFigure.Up, color, style, width, fill, alpha);
public void DrawArrowUp()
DrawArrowUp(Color.Empty, LineStyles.Solid, 1, Color.Empty);
public void DrawArrowDown(Color color, LineStyles style, int width, Color fill, int alpha = 100)
DrawFigure(PointFigure.Down, color, style, width, fill, alpha);
public void DrawArrowDown()
DrawArrowDown(Color.Empty, LineStyles.Solid, 1, Color.Empty);
public void DrawArrowLeft(Color color, LineStyles style, int width, Color fill, int alpha = 100)
DrawFigure(PointFigure.Left, color, style, width, fill, alpha);
public void DrawArrowLeft()
DrawArrowLeft(Color.Empty, LineStyles.Solid, 1, Color.Empty);
public void DrawArrowRight(Color color, LineStyles style, int width, Color fill, int alpha = 100)
DrawFigure(PointFigure.Right, color, style, width, fill, alpha);
public void DrawArrowRight()
DrawArrowRight(Color.Empty, LineStyles.Solid, 1, Color.Empty);
public void DrawHistogram(XSeries series, Color color, LineStyles style, int width, Color fill, int alpha = 50)
Owner.CustomDrawPoint(this, DrawPointAs.Histogram, color, style, width, true, fill, alpha, (series != null) ? series.Name : string.Empty);
public void DrawHistogram(Color color, LineStyles style, int width, Color fill, int alpha = 50)
Owner.CustomDrawPoint(this, DrawPointAs.Histogram, color, style, width, true, fill, alpha, string.Empty);
public void DrawHistogram(Color color, int alpha = 50)
DrawHistogram(null, color, LineStyles.Solid, 1, color, alpha);
public void DrawHistogram(Color color, Color fill, int alpha = 50)
DrawHistogram(null, color, LineStyles.Solid, 1, fill, alpha);
public void DrawHistogram(XSeries series, Color fill, int alpha = 50)
DrawHistogram(series, Color.Empty, LineStyles.Solid, 1, fill, alpha);
public void DrawHistogram(XSeries series)
DrawHistogram(series, Color.Empty, LineStyles.Solid, 1, Color.Empty);
public void DrawHistogram()
DrawHistogram(Color.Empty, LineStyles.Solid, 1, Color.Empty);
public void DrawArea(Color color, LineStyles style, int width, Color fill, int alpha = 50)
Owner.CustomDrawPoint(this, DrawPointAs.Area, color, style, width, true, fill, alpha);
public void DrawArea(Color fill, int alpha)
DrawArea(Color.Empty, LineStyle, LineWidth, fill, alpha);
public void DrawArea()
DrawArea(Color.Empty, 30);
public void DrawChannel(Color fill, int alpha)
DrawArea(Color.Empty, LineStyle, LineWidth, fill, alpha);
public void DrawChannel(XSeries series, Color fill, int alpha)
Owner.CustomDrawPoint(this, DrawPointAs.Area, Color.Empty, LineStyle, LineWidth, true, fill, alpha, (series != null) ? series.Name : string.Empty);
public void DrawChannel(XSeries series)
DrawChannel(series, Color.Empty, 30);
public void DrawSection(Color color, LineStyles style, int width, int delta)
Owner.CustomDrawPoint(this, DrawPointAs.TrendLine, color, style, width, delta, true);
public void DrawSection(int delta)
DrawSection(Color.Empty, LineStyle, LineWidth, delta);
public static int PercentToAlpha(int percent)
int num = percent * 255 / 100;
if (num < 0 || num > 255)
num = 120;
return num;
public static int AlphaToPercent(int alpha)
int num = alpha * 100 / 255;
if (num < 0 || num > 100)
num = 50;
return num;